From Spain, to all over the world
Technology company founded in 1982

The three Business Units, which are Laboratory & Diagnostic, Electronic Test and Measurement Instrumentation, and Information and Communication Technologies, and the R&D Department interrelate and cooperate with the aim of providing added value to customers.
Information and Communication Technologies
- Industry
- Banking and Insurance
- Public Administrations
- Media and Telco
Laboratory and Diagnostic Equipment
- Analytical instrumentation for laboratory
- Diagnosis equipment for hospitals
- Fungible
- Service
Electronic Test and Measurement Instrumentation
- Electrical safety
- Electromagnetic compatibility and measurement
- Instrumentation
Research, Development and Innovation
Information and Communication Technologies
A portfolio of ICT specific solutions for each business sector
Infrastructure Areas
- Workstations
- Cloud
- Security
- Mobility
- Virtualization
Software Areas
- Big Data
- Customer Experience
- Data analysis
- Data visualization
- APPs
- User Friendly
Laboratory and Diagnostic Equipment
High precision solutions and equipment for laboratory and hospital environments
Analytical Instrumentation for Laboratory
- Life Science
- Chemical Analysis
- General Equipment
- Food and Feed Analysis
Diagnosis Equipment for Hospital Environments
- Echography and sp
- Neurophysiology
- Steam endovenous
- Materia
- Material for all kind of laboratories
- Logistics and management services
- Equipment for surgeons, radiology, cardiology, etc.
- Echography and sp
- Neurophysiology
- Steam endovenous
- Material
Electronic Test and Measurement Instrumentation
Solutions to any need to measure
Equipment for Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Test and Electric Safety
- Accessories and components
- Antennas and Amplifiers
- Receivers EMI and Immunity Generators
- Instrumentation for electric safety test
- Anechoic Chambers
- Validation and Training Service
- Complete Test Systems for EMC
Equipment For Electromagnetic Field Measure
- Personal Protection
- High frequency Electromagnetic Field
- Reparation and calibration Service
- Areas monitoring
- Low frequency electromagnetic field
- Electromagnetic fields Simulation Software
Specialized Solutions
- Automation of Trials Laboratories.
- Automation of Industrial Plants
- Smart Grids – Smart Cities Energy Efficiency
- Custom Development: Team R& D + i
- Instrumentation for Renewable Energy. AIRE-VDA
Electronics Instrumentation for Education and Industry
- Calibration Instruments
- Data Adquisition
- Maintenance industrial
- Infrared Thermography
- Special Power Supplies AC and DC
- General Pourpose Instrumentation LF -RF
R&D Department
Technological risk projects, it is, those involving high levels of innovation
Inycom is strongly committed to Technology Innovation so they established the R&D Department in 2002, which has become one of the key business units and whose mission is:
- Assessment and acquisition of emerging technologies
- Development of new products and services
- Participation in publicly funded competitive projects (both national and international)
- Establishment and management of strategic technological partnerships
- R&D support services to clients and suppliers
The R&D Department has wide experience in the development of services and solutions based on software, firmware and electronic design focused on scientific and technical applications for customers in different sectors. Their expertise covers a wide range of technical solutions for ICT, the Energy sector ( specially Renewable Energy), Automation of Processes and Analysis and Simulation Systems, which include artificial intelligence, service-oriented architectures, location based services, semantic technologies, cloud computing, big data and mobility solutions.
R&D Projects
(National and International)
Learn more about our Projects

Efficient, reliable and sustainable delivery of energy is critical to the health and wellbeing of all people

ELY4OFF – Pem Electrolysers for operation with offgrid renewable installations

Grid Integrated Multi Megawatt High Pressure Alkaline Electrolysers for Energy Applications